

Table Ox, 2016

ESP zener card experiment, with participating guests.

Ox Presents: Cartomancy Ox, 2016

Digital film, 8m45s

Ox, 2016 Digital visual recording, manipulated imagery Soundtrack, Accordian Bellows, recorded by Ox, 2016 3min 37sec Odyssey employs the notion of a road movie as a metaphor for ones spiritual growth or of an ancient rite of passage. Odyssey explores the journey of self discovery, and allows us to reflect upon our transformations. The destination is not important: as we confront new realities through transformations undertaken by spiritual enlightenment, the film references the relationship that exists between the outer world (the macrocosm) and the inner world (the microcosm) by invoking ideas of transcendence through mediation. Odyssey is played forward, then in reverse, and played on a continuous loop to further reinforce the idea of the journey or ‘Trip.’ Using a split screen two ways, to create a kaleidoscopic landscape. The soundtrack is generated by the multilayering of an accordion, which creates a breathing-like effect along with it’s resonant psychedelic drone. Odyssey was filmed in the Scottish Highlands, and follows the road through imposing mountains and bleak landscape.

Ox Presents: Odyssey Ox, 2016

Digital film, 3m37s

Ox, 2016 Digital visual recording, manipulated imagery Soundtrack 'C11H15NO2OX,' recorded by Ox, 2016 3min 14sec PsychEigg explores the notions of loss and exile, and the ecstatic human realisation of the nature of belonging. Using psychedelic imagery we imply a dualistic reading of landscape as ‘inscape’ or ‘otherness’, and evoke a visual language of belonging to our psychedelic cultural heritage. Through the manipulation of colour, and over layering images we seek to represent a psychedelic consciousness of nature. The water sequences resemble Ink Blot Tests, which encourage the engagement of the psychological interpretation of ourselves through nature, and through the notional metaphysics of landscape. The landscape appears alive and pulsating, implying the foreboding power of the universe and our place within it, the notion of belonging. The soundtrack is created using electronic synthesised sound, using a numerological formula. With a pulsating resonance like a heartbeat mirroring the movement of the landscape, and swooshing sounds echoing the power of the elements. The film is shot from a ferry off the coast of the Isle of Eigg, in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland.

Ox Presents: Psycheigg Ox, 2016

Digital film, 3m14s

Ox Presents: Isle Land Life Ox, 2016

Digital film, 1m01s

Ox Presents: Collector, Part Two Ox, 2016

Digital film, 2m30s

Ox Presents: Collector, Part One Ox, 2016

Digital film, 3m26s

Human Pylon - Pole Dance Ox, 2015

Electronic sound resonant poles, amplified sound

Ox Presents: The Nine Billion Names of God Ox, 2016

Digital film, 1m38s

Ox Presents: Ostara Ox, 2013

Maypole shadow wall performance

Ox Presents: Procession. Ox, 2016

Digital film, 2m53s